01. State-of-the-art industrial drones

Hard to reach work is costly, risky and time-consuming to set up.

AERIAL COBOTICUS designed and developed the Aerial Machines.

The drone's fast set-up, remote handling and transport allows access at all times to inaccessible or high places, and carries out the necessary operations without endangering operators

Aerial Machines were developed in response to the needs of industrial users, particularly in the building and civil engineering, shipbuilding, maintenance and industrial site operators sectors. This represents a real technological breakthrough.

Aerial Machine or drone for high-pressure or high-lift spraying

02. High-capacity drones

Workshop for manufacturing our made-in-France industrial UAVs

02. High-capacity drones

The high capacity of Aerial Machines is a decisive step forward for industrial applications.

There are currently many innovative uses for drones in industrial applications. Aerial Machines will help you push back the limits:

  • Thanks to its high carrying capacity, a Aerial Machine allows you to spray fluids (ultra-high-pressure water, resin, concrete, etc.) for protection and repair of engineering structures or building maintenance.
    For example, the Aerial Machines allow Very High Pressure (VHP) cleaning, at over 1000 bar, enabling blasting force capacities of over 330N. Since the machine is used for blasting, and the operator is sheltered on the ground, there is no longer any limit to the blasting force, thus enabling greater efficiency of the THP lances.

    Similarly, its high carrying capacity will enable you to implement non-destructive testing programs, thanks to the ability to install heavy measuring instruments in hard-to-reach places, and to position them precisely, thus facilitating the work of engineers.
    On a construction site, the high capacity of a Aerial Machine for example, will enable you to partially replace cranes for the removal of small loads, which often has to be carried out by tower cranes, diverting them from their intended use. On this subject, the head of a major construction and public works account told us that "it's by optimizing the use of cranes that we make money on a site".

"The carrying capacity of Aerial Machines ranges from 40 to 100 kg, depending on the model. "

  • The machine's heavy weight (one Aerial Machine weighing from 70 to 150 kg depending on the model developed) is also an advantage, as it provides greater stability in the event of external disturbances, enabling them to maintain their stability in windy conditions, for example when servicing wind turbines.

03. Wired drone

Industrial drone applications, in fields such as construction, industry, the naval sector, or complex building maintenance, rely on drones operating close to their base. The advantages of wired UAVs are undeniable in several respects:

Unlimited autonomy

Aerial Machines can work 24 hours a day. The cable that powers them and the robustness of their components enable them to work continuously. This means greater productivity for our customers.

High productivity

For applications requiring the transport of material (e.g. water, paint, resin, concrete...), the cable is designed to transport the material directly from the ground. No downtime to replenish material. So you can work 24 hours a day.

Resistance to intrusion attempts

Since cable also enables data transfer, the absence of a radio link is a particularly important security concern these days. There is no communication of sensitive data to the outside world, with all data transiting via cable.

Under the new European drone regulations, and their translation in France by the DGAC, constraints are less stringent for wired drones.

Aerial Machine or industrial drone capable of high-pressure projection and high payload.

04. A robust industrial drone

Aerial Machines (drones) are made from robust aeronautical aluminum.

04. A robust industrial drone

Aerial Machines are designed and built using robust manufacturing techniques (derived from the aerospace industry) and industrial components (SIEMENS...) that have been tried and tested for many years.

This robustness provides customers with an industrial product that is safe to use, has a known life cycle, an identified maintenance cycle and a predefined warranty.

Aerial Machines will integrate perfectly into the customer's machine park, just like any other construction machine or robot.

05. Mastering flight intelligence

The "heart" of the machine is, for any drone, the software that manages the control laws. Aerial Coboticus, through its mastery of mathematical approaches, develops its own flight control software, enabling it to implement specific applications for its customers, and ensure the precision required for the various applications as if they were carried out by a human or a robot.

06. Made in France


06. Made in France

Aerial Machines are designed, developed and manufactured entirely in France, on our premises at the Parc ICADE in Rungis, giving us greater development security: we don't need to call on skills from far-off geographical areas, and our exchanges with customers to understand their needs are quicker and simpler.

Greater reactivity to meet customers' demands for adaptations to their business, in terms of both usage and flight intelligence.
Last but not least, the implementation of two digital twins ensures faster testing and adaptation to customer needs.

07. European components

The components used in Aerial Machines are made in Europe. This European preference ensures security of supply, as demonstrated during the Covid 19 health crisis.


08. Prototypes